About Us
Please read below for some more information on us. If you require a paper copy or more information on anything in this section please contact us.
Welcome to the North East Essex Co-Operative Academy website. NEECA is a 5 – 16 school. Most of our young people have found it difficult to be successful in a mainstream school. We are very proud of the provision we offer. Students are taught in small groups and they study the core curriculum at Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4. In addition to the core curriculum, we provide rich and varied extended curriculum opportunities ranging from music, targeted literacy intervention, horse riding to vocational courses and work experience placements. Small classes benefit students and enable them to make good progress as staff can ensure that learning is tailored to individual student needs.
At Key Stage 3, in partnership with local schools, we focus on supporting young people to return to a mainstream school. At Key Stage 4, we focus on providing the opportunity for students to gain 5 GCSEs to ensure a successful transition to post 16 education or training. Many of the young people who attend NEECA arrive here at a point of crisis or conflict in their lives. It is our aim to ensure that we help them to regain a sense of confidence and self-esteem which allows them to compete on equal terms with their peers, despite the disruption to their education caused by leaving mainstream school. Enjoy exploring our website to find out more about recent events at our school.
Philomena Cozens, CEO Keys Co-Operative Academy Trust
We are pleased to welcome you to NEECA. We appreciate that this is a very anxious time and we will do our best to support you and your child in getting started with us. This section of the website is intended to give you all the information you need to ensure we can work together.
Our ethos is that every child should thrive and be given the opportunity to succeed both academically and in their personal well-being to secure positive future life choices. We place high emphasis on academic achievement and we provide support and encouragement to all our young people to attain the best possible results. We are fortunate to have a team of highly skilled and dedicated staff whose commitment, knowledge and expertise have enabled our students to consistently achieve well.
We have a curriculum designed to ensure that our young people have a programme that meets their individual needs and that they can leave with skills needed to transition to their next academic placement.
At the heart of our school is our school moto "Be Brave. Be Kind." As a school we aim to provide an outstanding education for all students and we look forward to working in partnership with you to achieve this