Learning Journey
Our programme doesn’t show bias towards any particular career path, and promotes a full range of technical and academic options for pupils.
It is structured in a way that builds upon previous years, and the overarching aim is divided between the Key Stages so that pupils are encouraged to think appropriately about their future.
By the End of Key Stage 3 all students will have:
Knowledge of a range of qualifications for post 16 and post 18 progression routes
Use a destinations platform for group and individual career guidance
Use a range of resources available on the careers area of the school website.
Have the opportunity to request a careers appointment with their parent/ carers
Offered a 1:1 interview with a qualified Careers Adviser. Students with SEN, LAC or pupil premium will receive specialised and targeted support
Have a minimum of one meaningful employer encounter every year
Have a minimum of two meaningful encounters with providers of technical education and apprenticeships
Understand some of the qualities, attitudes and skills needed to successfully navigate their career
Be aware of stereotyping, equal opportunities and health and safety in the workplace
Explore their strengths and interests and understand how to use this as a basis for career exploration and decision making
Understand how significant English and Maths is for today's job market
Understand the options process and the links between school study and college pathways
By the End of Key Stage 4 all students will have:
Knowledge of a range of qualifications for post 16 and post 18 progression routes
Use a destinations platform for group and individual career guidance
Use a range of resources available on the careers area of the school website.
Have the opportunity to request a careers appointment with their parent/ carers
Offered a 1:1 interview with a qualified Careers Adviser. Students with SEN, LAC or pupil premium will receive specialised and targeted support
Have a career guidance Action plan
Develop employability and career management skills
Investigate future progression routes for post 16 and post 18
Been provided with resources and support to complete post 16 applications
Create a CV and covering letter
Have a minimum of one meaningful employer encounter every year
Visit a workplace
Have a minimum of two meaningful encounters with universities, providers of technical education and apprenticeships
Understand some of the qualities, attitudes and skills needed to successfully navigate their career
Be aware of stereotyping, equal opportunities and health and safety in the workplace
Explore their strengths and interests and understand how to use this as a basis for career exploration and decision making
Understand how significant English and Maths is for today's job market