Welcome to the Curriculum page, if you would like any further information please get in touch with us.
PSHE education is an important and necessary part of all students' education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlined in the introduction to the proposed new national curriculum. For further information please see Relationship, sex education guidance [GOV]
We are supported by the Jigsaw resources that demonstrate progression and work on a spiral curriculum as well as the PSHE association. These statutory concepts and topics are introduced from our KS3 classes and repeated and built upon as students progress through the year groups. This means all students are able to develop an understanding of the ever-changing world in which we live, develop the skills necessary to take an active role in their community and manage their life effectively. Our curriculum is planned to be relevant, varied and take into account the particular needs of our students and include the statutory requirements for Relationships, Sex and Health Education [RSHE].
At Key Stage 4 we build on the learning at Key Stage 3 - students continue to follow the Jigsaw Curriculum, consolidating the topics they have studied previously. We believe that our students have individual needs and should focus specifically on the next stage in their lives and to develop an understanding of this is key, and has shown to be successful in the past.
Celebration days / weeks to raise awareness around black culture and LGBT are part of the PSHE calendar. Using a variety of resources students can grow their own knowledge and open their mindsets from pre-existing opinions. Further awareness days around specific male and female cancers and bodily prevention checks are in development.
Overall we have a curriculum that is broad and balanced and takes into account the differing needs of our learners.
Classes are taught in a sympathetic style, but with inclusive discussion. Some lessons are set towards intervention lessons to build upon social skills and positive interactions for lower level pupils with social difficulties i.e. processing time, ASD, anxiety etc.
Over the year, a series of Drop Down Days take place, to focus on particular issues. Previous themes include:
Workshop from St Giles’ Trust on risky behaviours
Sexual harassment workshops
Theatre in education
First Aid training
Drop Down Day topics change yearly and are based on issues we feel are relevant to our particular group of learners plus broader topics e.g. Climate change. Issues arising specifically from PSHE lessons are often used to influence Drop Down Day topics.
PSHE is currently taught predominantly by a subject specialist. Lessons are taught for one period per week and this enables students to be taught an age appropriate spiral curriculum that also includes statutory requirements.
Discussion forms an integral part of lessons and is evidenced with note taking and pictures to ensure books example lesson content. Students have the opportunity to discuss issues which are of concern/relevance to them. When considering our students at NEECA PSHE utilises intervention lessons to raise awareness on ‘hot topics’ - such as the Balenciaga scandals, LGBT murder of Brianna Ghey, Homelessness and the inceldom world [including Andrew Tate], These topics are continually reviewed.
At Key Stage 3 students have the opportunity to learn about the wider world PSHE covering statutory obligations, but also providing students with the resources for the next stage of their education. We emphasise equipping students with tools such as knowledge and skills to make safe and considered choices out in the wider world.
For Key Stage Four we build upon the skills learned in Key Stage Three and re-emphasise skills and understanding needed to make sensible choices.
Both key stages experience the intervention lessons and the impact of this is to ensure we have an open dialogue between staff and students to promote safety and well-rounded non biassed information.
AQA awards are delivered and completed where possible and official certificates are purchased by the school and awarded to the student. The hope in gaining these awards is to build up a portfolio of evidence that each student can use to supplement GCSE grades when applying to college, apprenticeships or work.
We are mindful of the needs and backgrounds of our student cohort. We understand that some of the subjects covered can lend themselves to issues that our students have experienced in their lives. The subject specialist is aware of this and will teach in a sensitive and appropriate way. We want the students to know where they can get support if needed and aim to give them the tools to deal with situations that may not be safe for them. At the end of every lesson there is signposting which leads the students to websites and charities that can inform them further.
All staff are aware of the procedure for dealing with any disclosures that may occur.
Literacy skills are an integral part of our PSHE curriculum. A wide variety of text types is used including explanation, information, argument and instruction - this then enables pupils to access information. We have a mini library of relevant books and magazines that pupils can access in the lesson to enhance knowledge or simply read for pleasure.
We support reading in the classroom with a range of strategies, including teacher reading aloud; using the Frayer model to develop new vocabulary/break down word understanding; and reading around the word. Lessons aim to increase the reading content and comprehension through emphasis on the use of key words and definitions while being discussed throughout the lessons.
Outline of Virtual Curriculum Offer
PSHE can be taught virtually as and when required. Blended learning would be utilised in bespoke situations when necessary to provide the best outcome for the students.
AQA unit awards in PSHE have been implemented and are continually being evaluated and new ones developed. This has been a welcome integration to PSHE and supports learning, development and assessment skills. It also offers the pupils a further purpose to the ethic of good attendance and working hard.